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Occupational Development – Parent Checklist

If you have any questions about your child’s physical development, browse our parent checklist below and give us a call today.

0-4 months

  • Holds head in alignment

  • Tracks an object

  • Moves arms and legs when laying on back

  • Lifts head a little when laying on belly, can prop on elbows

  • Brings hands together when laying on back

  • Props on elbows in prone with neck extension

  • Rolls back to side

  • Grasps rattle when placed in hand

  • Likes looking at a human face more than other things

  • Responds to a smile with a smile

  • Looks into caregiver’s face and eyes with interest

  • Reaches toward and touches toy

  • Hits at dangling objects with hands

5-6 months

  • Sitting using hands for support and starting to sit independently

  • Grabs both feet and hold when on back

  • Brings feet to mouth

  • Reaches to a toy when playing on belly

  • Props on extended arms when on belly

  • Holds and shakes a toy

  • Puts fingers in mouth

  • Holds hands open, rather than in fists, at least half of the time

  • Smiles at self in front of mirror

7-8 months

  • Sitting by themselves

  • Retrieves a toy in sitting and returns upright

  • Rolls

  • Crawls with belly on touching floor

  • Bangs a toy on the floor

  • Passes a small object from one hand to the other

  • Plays peek-a-boo

  • Bangs toys together

  • Feeds self finger foods

9 months

  • Starts to crawl on hands and knees

  • Pulls to stand at a table

  • Waves Bye-bye

  • Releases objects intentionally

10 months

  • Protecting reaction backward

  • Maintains sitting for 60 seconds while playing with a toy

  • Transitions to sitting from on belly

  • Bounces while holding onto your fingers

  • Takes 4 steps with support on your fingers

  • Plays in standing at a table

  • Stoops at table to retrieve object from floor

11 months

  • Cruising on and between furniture

  • Pivots in sitting

  • Standing for 5 seconds without support

  • Walks 4 steps with 1 hand held

  • Walks with a push toy

  • Pushes or rolls a ball

  • Drops small things, such as cheerios into a cup

  • Throws things just to see what happens

  • Removes socks

Speech and Language Development – Parent Checklist

         0-6 months

  • Searches for speaker

  • Recognizes own name

  • Babbles

  • Vocalizes feelings through intonation

  • Frequently puts fingers, objects, clothing, pacifier into mouth for sucking and mouthing

  • Breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding

  • Starting soft, smooth solid foods

  • Cooing: vowel-like sounds

  • 7-9 months

  • Self-feeds simple, finger foods

  • Babbles same sounds repeatedly (baba or mama)

  • Produces sounds which are similar to t,d,n,f,v,z,ch,j,th,sh and s

  • Makes sound while eating with food in mouth

  • Reaches for object and looks for caregiver’s reaction

  • Tolerates smooth, lumpy solids fed by spoon by 9 months

  • 0-12 months

  • Clears food off spoon with upper lip (eats lumpy, mashed foods)

  • Feeding self with fingers

  • Babbles using different sounds (nama)

  • Takes turns vocalizing

  • Will imitate others’ vocalizations or gestures

  • Points/gestures and vocalizes

  • Participates in joint attention activities

Playing with Baby

Physical Development – Parent Checklist

0-4 months

  • Holds head in alignment

  • Tracks an object

  • Moves arms and legs when laying on back

  • Lifts head a little when laying on belly, can prop on elbows

  • Brings hands together when laying on back

  • Props on elbows in prone with neck extension

  • Rolls back to side

  • Grasps rattle when placed in hand

  • Likes looking at a human face more than other things

  • Responds to a smile with a smile

  • Looks into caregiver’s face and eyes with interest

  • Reaches toward and touches toy

  • Hits at dangling objects with hands

5-6 months

  • Sitting using hands for support and starting to sit independently

  • Grabs both feet and holds them when on back

  • Brings feet to mouth

  • Reaches to a toy when playing on belly

  • Props on extended arms when on belly

  • Begins to belly crawl

  • Rolls back to belly

  • Holds and shakes a toy

  • Puts fingers in mouth

  • Smiles at self in front of mirror

7-8 months

  • Maintains sitting for 60 seconds

  • Retrieves a toy in sitting and returns upright

  • Rolls belly to back

  • Rolls back to belly

  • Belly crawls 3 feet forward

9 months

  • Assumes hands and knees position (all fours)

  • Transfers from sitting to hands and knees position (all fours)

  • Rocks back and forth on hands and knees for 5 seconds

  • Creeps forward on hands and knees

  • Scoots forward in sitting for 3 feet

  • Pivots in sitting 90 degrees to both sides

  • Walks with two hands held

10 months

  • Maintains sitting for 60 seconds while playing with a toy

  • Transitions to sitting from belly

  • Creeps (on hands and knees) over your legs

  • Bounces while holding onto your fingers

  • Cruises 4 steps along furniture

  • Lowers to sitting from standing without falling

  • Plays in standing for 3 minutes

  • Stoops at table to retrieve object from floor

11 months

  • Cruising on and between furniture

  • Pivots in sitting

  • Standing for 5 seconds without support

  • Walks 4 steps with 1 hand held

  • Walks with a push toy 10 feet

Sleeping Baby
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